Memorial Day
weekend. I'm on my way to
North Carolina
to visit my bro
and his wife and their two kids,
my three-year-old niece
and the newborn boy.
I can't wait to smell his head!
Love that baby scent.
I've not seen David
in over a year. Maybe
longer. Should be fun.
It's good to get out
of New York for a little
bit. Get perspective.
See how others live:
in a house; with a backyard;
a porch; a driveway.
Good, too, to forget
about all the pretty girls
I want to sleep with.
David's down south. Our
sister's in Los Angeles.
And I'm in New York.
Why's that, I wonder?
Like same sides of batteries,
can't put us too close.
I love my siblings
like I love the moon: deeply,
from a safe distance.
Josh Lefkowitz is a writer and performer living in Brooklyn.